6 Ways to Whiten Without Bleach

6 Ways to Whiten Without Bleach

Chlorine bleach can be a useful product around the house, but it's also a poisonous chemical that can irritate the skin, eyes, and lungs, and can be dangerous or deadly if improperly mixed with other household chemicals. The eco-friendly ingredients b

Apr 24, 2018 | Homeowner Tips

Does Being Married Matter When You're Getting a Utah Mortgage

Does Being Married Matter When You're Getting a Utah Mortgage

This post was originally published on SARA WATSON - National Homeownership There’s an old-school order to things. Couple meets. Couple marries. Couple buys a house. Couple has kids. But this is 2018. As millennial

Apr 20, 2018 | Home Buying or Selling Mortgage Basics Lifestyle

Pre-Approved for a Utah Mortgage? Don’t Do These Four Things.

Pre-Approved for a Utah Mortgage? Don’t Do These Four Things.

When purchasing a home, your Utah mortgage pre-approval is based on your current financial situation. That’s why once you're pre-approved, you should avoid making big changes to your finances. Here are several things you’ll want to avoid d

Apr 17, 2018 | First-time Homebuyers Home Buying or Selling

Discount and Origination Points Explained

Discount and Origination Points Explained

Do you know the difference between discount points and origination points? These are two important terms any home buyer should understand. Each type of point is equal to one percent of your total loan amount. For example, on a $200,000 loan, one poi

Apr 04, 2018 | Interest Rates Home Buying or Selling Mortgage Basics

Make Your Offer Stand Out this Spring

Make Your Offer Stand Out this Spring

Ready for the spring Utah home buying season? In today’s strong housing market, multiple offers are the norm in many areas. It’s definitely a seller’s market. Here are some things to keep in mind as you get ready to make an offer on a pr

Mar 21, 2018 | Home Buying or Selling

The Cost of Waiting to Buy a Home

The Cost of Waiting to Buy a Home

Thinking of waiting another year or two to buy a home? If home prices and Utah mortgage rates increase in the next year or two, home buyers in Utah could end up with significantly less buying power than they have today. Today’s mortgage rates are n

Mar 07, 2018 | Home Buying or Selling

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