Being able to purchase a home is often tied to how much of a down payment you have saved. If you have never bought a house before, you may not understand what a down payment is or why it is so important. Here are the basics you need to know as you save up
Jan 02, 2019 | Conventional Loans First-time Homebuyers VA Loans FHA Loans Interest Rates Home Buying or Selling
What’s the one thing you love the most? Is it your favorite pair of shoes that you dream about on your way home from work? Or maybe it’s your grande Starbucks one pump vanilla caramel macchiato? No matter what you’re passionate about, th
Dec 31, 2018 | Lifestyle
You have probably been cautioned that anytime your credit is checked your credit score is negatively impacted. While this issue is more complicated than it seems, there is some truth to this advice. Your credit score is affected in part by the number of i
Dec 30, 2018 | Credit
Your credit report is a very important document. Your credit score will be used in all sorts of weighty financial purchases. Checking your credit periodically is essential to maintaining a healthy score and being able to qualify for big loans. How often&n
Dec 29, 2018 | Credit
The financial markets had plenty to cheer about this week. On Wednesday, Stocks rallied a stunning 1,000+ points, enjoying their best one-day gain in history and then rallied over 800 points higher intraday on Thursday, erasing a huge midday loss. All in
Dec 28, 2018 | Mortgage News
For many people, their home is their largest asset. And its value generally grows over time, producing more equity for the homeowners. How can homeowners make use of this equity without selling their house? A home equity loan or a home equity line of cred
Dec 26, 2018 | Home Equity Loans