How long after bankruptcy should I wait before applying for a mortgage?

How long after bankruptcy should I wait before applying for a mortgage?

Going through a bankruptcy, either personally or with your business, can affect your ability to qualify for a mortgage. Your credit score may drop, and you may need to wait before applying for a home loan. It all depends on the size of your down payment a

Feb 27, 2019 | Credit Home Buying or Selling

Tips to Avoid Identity Theft

Tips to Avoid Identity Theft

Your credit score is an important part of getting a mortgage, your Utah mortgage will want to see your history of using and repaying credit to assess your viability as a borrower beforehand. Some extremely unfortunate souls have run into a worrisome issue

Jan 28, 2019 | Credit

How Do Inquiries Affect My Credit Score?

How Do Inquiries Affect My Credit Score?

You have probably been cautioned that anytime your credit is checked your credit score is negatively impacted. While this issue is more complicated than it seems, there is some truth to this advice. Your credit score is affected in part by the number of i

Dec 30, 2018 | Credit

When Should I Check My Credit Report?

When Should I Check My Credit Report?

Your credit report is a very important document. Your credit score will be used in all sorts of weighty financial purchases. Checking your credit periodically is essential to maintaining a healthy score and being able to qualify for big loans. How often&n

Dec 29, 2018 | Credit

Understanding Your Credit Score

Understanding Your Credit Score

Your credit score can impact you in a number of different ways. It will affect the interest rate you pay on your mortgage, your insurance premiums, as well as the cost of consumer loans. Having a clear understanding of credit scores and knowing how to ach

Oct 30, 2018 | Mortgage Basics Credit

Rebuilding Your Credit and Buying a Home

Rebuilding Your Credit and Buying a Home

Have you faced some financial difficulties in recent years but still want to buy a home with a mortgage in Utah? Here are some tips: Order your credit report. Under federal law, you are entitled to one free credit report each year from all three credit

Mar 31, 2015 | Credit First-time Homebuyers Purchasing a Home

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