Benefits to Mortgage Debt

Benefits to Mortgage Debt

In order to buy a house, most Americans, including Utahns, take on a mortgage loan. While debt is usually to be avoided if possible, when it comes to a mortgage there may actually be some financial benefits for borrowers.   Liquidity If y

Jun 05, 2019 | Credit Mortgage Basics

What is Mortgage Amortization?

If you have a fixed-rate home mortgage, you pay the exact same amount of principal and interest each month. But did you know that the amount of principal you pay toward the balance of your loan changes from month to month? This is called mortgage amortiza

May 08, 2019 | Credit Interest Rates Mortgage Basics

4 Things to Understand About Credit Scores Before Applying for a Mortgage

4 Things to Understand About Credit Scores Before Applying for a Mortgage

Your credit score is an essential factor in determining much about any mortgage loan you receive. A credit score is a measure of your trustworthiness as a borrower. It pays to know as much about your credit score as possible before applying for home loan

May 01, 2019 | Credit

How to Calculate Your Debt-to-Income Ratio

How to Calculate Your Debt-to-Income Ratio

When you are ready to apply for a mortgage loan, your mortgage broker will ask you for all sorts of financial information. One of the things lenders do with this data is to calculate your debt-to-income (DTI) ratio. A DTI ratio is one of the most basic me

Apr 17, 2019 | Mortgage Basics Credit

5 Ways to Save Money on Your Mortgage

5 Ways to Save Money on Your Mortgage

Mortgage interest rates have been near rock-bottom lows for many years but are likely to increase over the next few years. Even though you can no longer count on record low interest rates, there are plenty of things you can do to make sure you save money

Mar 27, 2019 | Credit Interest Rates

How Does My Credit Score Affect My Mortgage Rate?

How Does My Credit Score Affect My Mortgage Rate?

How much you will pay for a mortgage loan and even whether you can qualify for a mortgage will have a lot to do with your credit score. Higher credit scores will help you get the best terms possible while lower scores could keep you from your dream of hom

Mar 06, 2019 | Interest Rates Credit

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