Home Projects for the Family

Home Projects for the Family

Getting children involved in home projects can be a fun way to share time with your kids and still get the chores done. But how do you combine the two without pulling out your hair keeping kids from getting hurt or just making a mess? These home projects

Jun 08, 2019 | Homeowner Tips Lifestyle

Why Young Kids Need Chores (and How to Get Them Started)

Why Young Kids Need Chores (and How to Get Them Started)

According to Julie Lythcott-Haims, author of “How to Raise an Adult,” having your child do chores is one of the best ways to help them succeed in life. When they understand that their contributions are a major factor in the happiness and

Feb 05, 2019 | Lifestyle

Financial Mistakes to Avoid When Building Wealth

Financial Mistakes to Avoid When Building Wealth

Financial success stories can be incredibly motivating. When we read an article or hear an interview about someone who went from zero to millionaire, it instills a sense of hope for achieving our own financial goals. With the blessing of hindsight in our

Jan 05, 2019 | Lifestyle

How to Save Money on the Things You Love the Most

How to Save Money on the Things You Love the Most

What’s the one thing you love the most? Is it your favorite pair of shoes that you dream about on your way home from work? Or maybe it’s your grande Starbucks one pump vanilla caramel macchiato? No matter what you’re passionate about, th

Dec 31, 2018 | Lifestyle

Can Homeownership Make You Happy?

Can Homeownership Make You Happy?

Did you know that numerous studies over many years show a link between owning a home and happiness and overall well-being? For example, a report by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau shows that homeowners generally have higher financial well-being t

May 29, 2018 | Lifestyle

Does Being Married Matter When You're Getting a Utah Mortgage

Does Being Married Matter When You're Getting a Utah Mortgage

This post was originally published on Neighborhoods.com SARA WATSON - National Homeownership There’s an old-school order to things. Couple meets. Couple marries. Couple buys a house. Couple has kids. But this is 2018. As mill

Apr 20, 2018 | Home Buying or Selling Mortgage Basics Lifestyle

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